Surabaya - Jawa Timur


Kamis, 08 Juli 2021

Vtube 3.0 Setelah Beberapa Drama Akhirnya ON - Sudah Bisa Cairkan VP ? Berikut Fakta nya..


Setelah drama yg layak dibandingkan bahkan mengalahkan kekuatan cinta aldebaran dan andin yg ber bulan-bulan lamanya, akhirnya VTUBE dengan bangganya merelease 3.0 yg didahului huru hara penundaan yg menyebabkan kegaduhan di media sosial. Tapi saya sebagai pe-review dan nyinyirers vtube, ingin menyampaikan rasa bangga dan salut kepada para memeber setia vtube yg patut dicontoh kegigihannya. Walau dari capture atau SS websitenya vtube.co diatas saya masih mengalami momen "membagongkan" saat berusaha memahami tulisan di website aplikasi vtube 3.0.

Ahhh nyinyirers memang harus begitu kali ya, selalu mencari kesalahan orang, kasihan bang ! Baik kali ini saya ingin me-review secara jujur aplikasinya yg terbaru, dari video yg disebarkan oleh seorang leader jujur yg kasian hanya punya 300 VP tersisa di akunnya. Itupun kalau gak punya satu, dua bahkan puluhan akun lainnya ya... hehehe...

Berikut ini Fakta- Fakta Vtube 3.0 di malam launchingnya yg sangat heboh itu ...

Masih Di Blok Google Play dan Unduh Masih Lewat Link Manual

Jika anda mencari vtube di google play maka yg muncul adalah beberapa aplikasi yg masih sama, merupakan KW nya dimana belum tampak Vtube yg resmi di google play. Dari penelusuran yg pernah saya cek dari linknya playstore fvtech, aplikasi sudah berhasil di UP namun google masih melakukan blokir. Mungkin ini akibat dari kesalahan masa lalu dan report dari berbagai pengguna yg kecewa atau request blokir dari pemerintah yg di review serius oleh google.

Pengalaman saya ketika akun google anda di banned atau di blokir oleh google, maka baru mendapatkan pengampunan sesuai usaha appealing / banding yg anda lakukan atau menunggu sampai google berbaik hati dan itu sangat lama. 

Namun jika anda ingin tetap bermain Vtube 3.0 dengan mengabaikan resiko dari link manual, website resmi vtube menyediakan link donload di :  http://d.vtube.co/vtubeV3 .

Terms and  Conditions yg Panjang

Setelah anda berhasil Login maka harus membaca lengkap suatu syarat dan ketentuan atau T&C. Ini masih seperti versi terdahulu, panjang dan sangat membingungkan masyarakat awam. Sepertinya mengutip dari T&C aplikasi atau software lain dan menterjemahkannya dari Inggris ke Indonesia, ditambah dengan kutipan pasal-pasal UU ITE yg bernada mengancam. 

Dan pada akhir dari membaca T&C anda akan  diminta untuk menulis bahasa inggris yg menyatakan bahwa anda telah membaca dan menyetujui syarat yg diberikan vtube.

Kalau diperhatikan ada yg sedikit mengganjal dihati saya, baca sendiri yaa....

Nonton Video Masih Seperti Aplikasi yang Lalu, Gak Ada Bedanya

Masih dengan jurus lama yaitu memutar video "Youtube" yg sepertinya bagi orang awam adalah video yg ada pada servernya Vtube. Saya beritahu kalau di UNZIP apk nya maka akan terlihat LINK video youtube nya terpampang jelas.

Harus verifikasi email di Viplus agar Verified tercentang

Seperti yg sudah saya pernah tulis di bulan maret (https://www.kasirpulsa.com/2021/04/vtube-100-launching-vi-membawa-vtube.html), viplus adalah bahtera penyelamat Vtube. Jadi bagi pengguna vtube yg ingin mendapatkan login yg lebih lancar harus melakukan verifikasi ulang di viplus. Ini merupakan cara 'halus' untuk menggiring member vtube agar melakukan megacopy ke viplus. 

VP = 14.000 di EC ..wow masih tinggi harganya..

Nah ...ini yg penting nih, nasib VP nya gimana? Dari hasil penelusuran video dari tony alengleng, nilai VP tak berubah tetap 1 dolar sebagai patokan. Bahkan sudah ada yg menjualnya di EC yg kini  langsung menjadi satu pada aplikasinya. 

Ya iyalah ada yg menjual ...karena VP memang sangat berharga dan merupakan sumber penghasilan utama dari Vtube sehingga diperjuangkan mati-matian. Siapa tuh yg jual ? Member lainnya ? ooo Tidak Bishaaaa... sesuai syarat SWI itu tidak boleh ada jual beli VP sesama member dan HARUS dari manajemen  langsung dan menggunakan RUPIAH dalam transaksinya.

Menu di exchange counternya terlihat masih membingungkan bagi saya maupun member yg terbiasa dulunya melakukan transfer VP ke EC, karena OTP nya gak muncul di email kata beberapa penonton video mas tony alengleng.

Lalu kalau saya mau menjual atau mencairkan VP nya bagaimana ? oooo tidak semudah itu ferguso. Anda harus tunggu kehebohan selanjutnya ketika member yg terbiasa scroll iklan sadar bahwa VP nya harus diubah ke views atau di transfer ke Shoping Poin / SP  Viplus. 


Cara lainnya meng-uang-kan VP adalah anda sebagai member menawarkan UMKM disekitar untuk beriklan, dan VP nya dijual sesuai kesepakatan. Gimana ? Kejang-kejang gak ? Sabar.. kan anda member vtube sudah dilatih kesabarannya berbulan-bulan, harusnya kuat menerima kenyataan.

VTUBE itu Bisnis Periklanan (Katanya)

Ini mungkin bagian kurang menarik bagi anda member vtube, karena yg diinginkan hanya menonton iklan dan dapat VP, bukan beriklan. Eitsss...sekarang Vtube itu sudah kembali ke jalan yg benar loo..VP anda harus dirubah menjadi VIEWS lalu anda memasang iklan untuk memajukan UMKM di Indonesia, begitu kata wilbert di marketing plan nya Vtube 3.0 .

Bagi pengiklan yg ingin bekerjasama dengan Vtube, atau saya yg merupakan pengguna jasa iklan google ads, youtube dan FB ads, akan melihat peluang pemanfaatan vtube dalam meningkatkan penjualan di usaha yg anda lakukan. Namun saya sangat kecewa karena 3.0 ini tidak ada bedanya dengan versi sebelumnya. Saya tidak menemukan targeting iklan yg jelas. Jangan - jangan ( walau 100% bener) ini hanya kamuflase semata, karena dibalik program ads ada misi-misi dan jenjang yg sangat mirip dengan paket bintangnya Vtube jaman dulu.

Wah,,..setelah saya memasang iklan lalu saya  menonton iklan saya sendiri begitu ? Membagongkan !


Kalau ini sih lagu lama yg terulang kembali, kisah yg selalu di blow up agar konten kreator pembahas Vtube di Youtube menjadi tujuan para member yg kebingungan. Yahh rejeki bagi mereka konten kreator vtube itu, baik yg mengaku leader maupun para nyinyirers seperti saya ini...opsss...wkwkwkwk

Jadi demikian fakta-fakta VTUBE 3.0 yg saya temukan di video mas tony alengleng, dimana sepertinya aplikasi ini gak ada bedanya dengan yg versi lama. Dan sepertinya gak akan lama umurnya karena sesuai janji pak tongam tobing ketua Satgas Waspada Investasi, jika vtube melanggar ya akan ditutup kembali. 

Aplikasi yg terasa belum siap ini (yg merupakan ciri khas vtube sejak lama) akan selalu menarik perhatian masyarakat yg sedang terhimpit ekonomi dan kesehatannya di pandemi covid19 yg tak kunjung selesai.

Rabu, 07 Juli 2021

England vs Denmark - Where to watch on Tele ? BBC or ITV - Let's Get Out

England face Denmark at 8pm for a place in the Euro 2020 final, with Gareth Southgate expected to start Bukayo Saka alongside Harry Kane and Raheem Sterling. We'll have all the build-up here as 60,000 fans descend on Wembley.

Denmark's ambassador to the UK: Tonight's match is one occasion when he 'can't be a diplomat'

Lars Thuesen tells Sky News he thinks English people will understand his predicament.

"I'm a huge fan of my own country and I hope that we'll win tonight."

He also discusses the journey the Danish team have been on following Christian Eriksen's cardiac arrest.

Stock market could tick up if England beat Denmark tonight 

Maike Currie, investment director at Fidelity International, tells Sky's Ian King that some companies did well after the victory over Germany. 

ITV benefitted, as did Just Eat.

'Southgate you're the one': The latest (slightly bizarre) football song 

We've brought you a few football songs today, but this remix of Atomic Kitten's classic Whole Again is perhaps the most bizarre. 

The song had become a crowd anthem at England matches, with fans replacing the lyrics as an ode to their favourite manager - but it's the first time we've actually heard it performed by Atomic Kitten. 

The easing of coronavirus restrictions means outdoor and indoor venues are back open and ready for business and there’s no better place to get in on the kind of buzz that only an England game could generate, than your local big screen venue.

Ahead of the Semi-final game against Denmark on Wednesday, 7 July, which will be kicking off at 8pm, we’ve picked out the best pubs and venues to support the team in the UK’s biggest cities. While tickets at many of the dedicated fan zones and large screens sold out weeks in advance, here are some of the venues still available for booking or taking walk-ins.

Showcase cinemas, nationwide

After a quiet year for the cinema industry, due to the pandemic forcing them shut, Showcase is back open. With cinemas across the country, including Liverpool, Nottingham, Leeds, Leicester and London, the company is using its screens to show England games for free.

An added bonus is that all the screens are indoor, which is particularly convenient given the UK’s unpredictable weather. Tickets are still available at many locations, including its east London-based Newham venue.

Brewdog, nationwide

In celebration of football’s return, Brewdog pubs are turning themselves into fan zones. The chain has venues up and down the country, with more than 20 in London alone. While booking to watch the match is required, many locations still have availability. Visit its website to see which fan zones are still available to book.

Pop Brixton, London

This large outdoor dining and drinking south-London based venue will be showing the game on a mega screen measuring almost 4 metres wide. Opened in 2015, Pop Brixton is home to a range of small, independent businesses serving fresh food from a variety of cuisines. Although it has been taking pre-bookings, the venue has reserved walk-in spots for every match.

The Happenstance, London

A short walk away from St Paul’s cathedral, the Happenstance will be showing the match on multiple big screens both inside and on its huge terrace outdoors. Promising a “sophisticated” spot for the match, the venue has designed a selection of sharing boards and fully loaded burgers for a “summer of sport”. Bookings for Saturday’s match are still available on its website.

Truman’s Social Club, London

East London’s Truman’s Social Club will be screening the match on both of its big screens. Describing itself as a “beer hall”, it has more than 20 beers on tap to get you through the game. Bookings for Saturday have now closed, but limited walk-in tables will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.

7 Jalan Utama Di Surabaya Tutup 24 Jam Demi Menudukung PPKM Darurat

 Tujuh ruas jalan di Kota Surabaya ditutup sementara selama masa PPKM Darurat, sampai 20 Juli 2021.

AKBP Teddy Candra Kasatlantas Polrestabes Surabaya mengatakan, penutupan ini merupakan bentuk dari pengendalian mobilitas masyarakat.

“Berdasarkan evaluasi PPKM Darurat hari kelima ini kepadatan di Kota Surabaya masih terlihat. Kepatuhan sektor non esensial maupun essensial juga masih kurang,” ujarnya kepada Radio Suara Surabaya, Rabu (7/7/2021) siang.

Teddy menjelaskan, ruas jalan pertama yang ditutup 24 jam mulai Rabu pagi adalah Jalan Ahmad Yani ruas masuk Kota Surabaya.

“Kecuali yang kritikal seperti ambulance, orang sakit, oksigen tetap kita bukakan. Silakan lewat jalur alternatif seperti Menanggal, Masjid Al Akbar, atau pabrik paku untuk yang benar-benar melakukan pekerjaan,” ujarnya.

Kemudian tiga ruas jalan Physical Distancing yaitu Jalan Raya Darmo (Al-Falah sampai Polisi Istimewa), Tunjungan (Siola sampai Hotel Majapahit), dan Pemuda (Monkasel sampai air mancur) yang sebelumnya ditutup pukul 20.00 sampai 05.00 WIB, mulai hari ini Rabu (7/7/2021) pukul 18.00 WIB ditutup 24 jam.

Kemudian tiga ruas jalan yang sebelumnya tidak ditutup, akan ditutup mulai pukul 20.00 sampai 05.00 WIB. Ketiga ruas jalan itu yaitu Jalan Gubernur Suryo (Sampai depan Gedung Grahadi), Raya Kertajaya (Mulai simpang Darmawangsa sampai Samsat Menur), dan Jemur Andayani (Mulai simpang tiga sampai Kantor Pos).

“Memang saat ini sedang pengetatan aktivitas. Jadi mohon semua elemen bisa memahami keadaan sekarang yang masih dalam masa PPKM Darurat. Tujuannya betul-betul bisa menekan laju penyebaran Covid. Kami harap kebijakan ini bisa didukung oleh semua masyarakat,” kata Teddy.

Menurut Teddy, ruas jalan yang menjadi lokasi phisycal distancing masih dimungkinkan bertambah. “Akses masuk dari Karangpilang masih kita tinjau untuk kami lakukan hal yang sama,” kata Teddy.(iss)

Selasa, 06 Juli 2021

Kembaran jennifer aniston ? Bukan CuMi tapi pake banget

Memiliki wajah yang sangat mirip dengan selebriti ternama Jennifer Anniston membuat wanita yang satu ini menjadi viral di media sosial. Bagaimana tidak, karena terlalu mirip, tak sedikit orang yang sampai terkecoh dan mengira bahwa wanita tersebut adalah bintang sitkom Friends.

Wanita bernama Lisa Tranel itu viral usai membagikan video dirinya menirukan karakter Rachel Green yang diperankan oleh Jennifer Aniston melalui akun TikTok @she_plusthree miliknya. Dalam video tersebut Lisa menirukan salah satu dialog Rachel Green di episode 'The One Where Chandler Can't Remember which Sister' yang tayang pada tahun 1997.

Video tersebut kemudian menjadi viral dan telah ditayangkan lebih dari 4,6 juta kali. Tak sedikit netizen yang kemudian memberikan komentar dan menyebut bahwa paras Lisa sangat mirip dengan Jennifer Aniston.

"Saya benar-benar berpikir itu adalah Jennifer Aniston. Wow!!" komentar salah seorang netizen.

"Kamu benar-benar sangat mirip dengannya," tambah komentar lain.

"Jadiiiii. Kamu bukan Jennifer Aniston?" komentar salah seorang netizen yang tidak percaya.

"Tunggu. Ini sangat membingungkan untuk otakku untuk memahaminya. Itu Jenn tapi bukan.. tapi sangat mirip," komentar netizen lain.

Usai videonya menjadi viral, tampaknya tak sedikit orang yang dibuat bingung dan benar-benar hampir mengiranya sebagai Jennifer Aniston. Lisa bahkan sampai menuliskan keterangan di akun TikToknya yang berbunyi, "Bukan Jennifer Aniston".

- wolipop -

Didi Chuxing vs China Government Saga After The IPO - What the ... ?

Didi: China blocks ride-hailing app over privacy breach

One of the country's biggest ride-hailing services has been ordered off app stores over "serious violations" related to customer privacy. The decision comes just after Didi's massive IPO.

China's cyberspace regulator on Sunday ordered app stores to remove Didi Global Inc as the ride-hailing service overhauls its handling of customer data. The announcement of the ban came just days after the company's New York Stock Exchange debut.

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) said an investigation found "serious violations" in how Didi collected and used personal information.

A statement said Didi was told to "rectify problems." It did not give further details but said the company was barred from accepting new customers until the probe was completed.

Ban follows massive IPO

Earlier this week, Didi pulled off one of the biggest initial public offerings (IPO) of the past decade, raising $4.4 billion (€4.6 billion) from investors in its New York stock listing.

On Friday, CAC announced that it was starting a cybersecurity review of the company, prompting Didi shares to fall 5.3%.

The timing of CAC's announcements followed the Communist Party’s 100th-anniversary celebrations in Beijing.

Dozens of social media and e-commerce firms have been told to handle customer information more carefully as the party intensifies control over influential tech giants. Some have been told to collect less information.

In April, the Alibaba Group, the world's biggest e-commerce platform, was fined $2.8 billion on charges of violating anti-monopoly rules.

Didi reacts to ban

Didi said it would "strictly comply," without elaborating.

Customers who downloaded the Didi app before the ban can keep using it normally, the company said in a statement on its social media account.

Didi was founded in 2012 as a taxi-hailing app and has expanded to include ride-hailing services with including private cars and buses. The Chinese firm says it's also investing in artificial intelligence and electric cars.

The rest of the world, which to the most part does not include China, uses American apps; Google, Twitter Facebook, Uber, and their associated services, and among many other super apps by Western tech corporations are absent in China. This is not new information, and it does not mean that the Chinese are locked out from the benefits of these services because the world’s most populous country replicates or clones such tools for its natives.


Case in point here is Uber, which, as said, is not available in China. However, there is Didi, which offers the same services as the American super-app, and is huge by all standards, including it being listed in the U.S. just the other day.

Didi has since been ordered off app stores by Beijing following issues related to the collection and use of customer data.

Here is the statement that was issued by the Nation Internet Information Office in China:

According to the report, after testing and verification, “drip travel” app there are serious violations of the law and the collection and use of personal information. The State Internet Information Office, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Cyber Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, notified the App Store to take off the “drip travel” app, requiring drip travel technology Co., Ltd. to strictly follow the legal requirements, refer to the relevant national standards, seriously rectify the existing problems, and effectively protect the security of the personal information of the vast number of users.

The statement does not reveal the specifics of the problems linked to banning the app. Chinese internet regulators have only stated that they received information about the security issues, tested the information, and eventually verified it.

Just the other day, Chinese internet regulators announced that new sign-ups for Didi would be suspended to examine a security concern. You should note that Didi had been listed two days earlier, and this development led to a fall in share price.

The Sunday blow (Didi being called off stores) could be connected to the review that halted the addition of new customers in Didi, although such a statement has not been revealed.

The moves can be extrapolated to indicate the manner the Chinese government regulates its internet space with an iron fist, and in cases where Americans are part of the process.

Launched in 2016, Didi purchased Uber operation in China and has 377 million active users in China alone. It also runs operations in other countries such as Brazil, Australia, and South Africa, and 13 others.

Oxford bursaries and scholarships for 2021-entry

The following page contains information about Oxford's non-repayable bursaries and scholarship programmes for students starting in October 2021, along with external scholarships that may be available.

Crankstart Scholarships for UK students

If you are a UK-resident studying for your first undergraduate degree and your annual household income is £27,500 or less, we will offer you a Crankstart Scholarship. This includes a non-repayable bursary worth up to £5,000 per year towards study and living costs. The Crankstart Scholarship also provides access to funded internships to develop employability skills, volunteering opportunities and social and community building events. For full details of the scholarship visit the Crankstart Scholarship pages.

Oxford Bursaries for students with Home fee status

If you are a UK student, or an ROI national living in the UK or Ireland, from a lower-income household studying for your first undergraduate degree (or Graduate Entry Medicine) and are not eligible for, or do not take up, a Crankstart Scholarship you will be eligible to receive an annual non-repayable Oxford Bursary to help with the costs of studying and living in Oxford.

Students from the EU, EEA and Switzerland who have been granted settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme may qualify for Home fee status and student finance (fees/living costs) from the UK government, and therefore they may also be eligible for an Oxford Bursary, if they meet the residence requirements.

The bursary amount will depend on your annual household income:

Annual household incomeAnnual Bursary
£16,000 or less£3,200
£16,001 - £20,000£3,000
£20,001 - £22,500£2,750
£22,501 - £25,000£2,500
£25,001 - £30,000£2,000
£30,001 - £35,000£1,500
£35,001 - £37,500£1,000
£37,501 - £40,000£800
£40,001 - c. £42,875£500

"Receiving the bursary enables me to pursue my academic and sporting goals without the burden of financial anxiety. The financial security provided by the bursary is incredibly comforting as it lets me access the full Oxford experience and allows me to dedicate myself to my degree to fulfil my academic potential, as well as contribute to other aspects of university life."

- Current Oxford Bursary holder

There is no separate application process for the Oxford Bursary or Crankstart Scholarship as these are based on the household income assessment carried out by your regional funding agency. You just need to ensure both you and those you who live with are financially assessed when you apply for UK government funding.

If you are eligible for an Oxford Bursary or Crankstart Scholarship and are starting your course in 2021, you will be notified of your entitlement from mid to late September 2021. You must have your financial assessment completed by May 2022 to be considered.

EU students should refer to our dedicated webpage for information on the impact of the UK leaving European Union membership.

Oxford Travel Supplement for UK bursary holders 

If you are studying for your first undergraduate degree and live more than 80 miles from Oxford, we will help with your travel costs between your stated home address and Oxford. If you are a Crankstart Scholar or an Oxford Bursary recipient, you will automatically receive a non-repayable annual Oxford Travel Supplement of £200 if you live between 80 and 150 miles from Oxford. If you live more than 150 miles from Oxford, you will receive an annual Oxford Travel Supplement of £500. Distance is measured as the direct distance in miles (sometimes termed 'as the crow flies'). If eligible you will be notified of this additional funding shortly after being contacted about your bursary funding from Oxford.

UK care experienced and UK estranged undergraduates studying without family support

If you have ever been in care for more than three months or are estranged from your family, you can apply for a non-repayable annual bursary of up to £3,000 for each year of your course so that you have additional funding to help with costs, including during the vacations. If you are also holding a Crankstart Scholarship, you would be eligible for a total maximum annual bursary of £7,200. Before applying, students must have taken out the full government support available to them, unless there is a good reason why this is not the case.

UK students requiring financial assistance to meet funding shortfalls

Our Student Support Fund is available to assist UK students who may require financial assistance in a range of circumstances. If you have a shortfall in your finances or need to meet additional exceptional costs once you have started your course, you will be able to apply for non-repayable supplementary funding.

Other Oxford scholarships

There are a small number of other centrally administered scholarships available for undergraduates and these are summarised below. For further details of each scheme, click on the name of the scholarship.

ScholarshipEligibilityAwardApplication deadline
Hill Foundation ScholarshipStudents must be nationals of and ordinarily resident in the Russian Federation wishing to study for a second undergraduate degree.Course fees and an annual grant towards living costs.12 noon (UK time) on 10 February 2021
The Bright Oceans Corporation ScholarshipStudent must be ordinarily resident in China (excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau), and studying an undergraduate course in the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division. Course fees and an annual grant towards living costs12 noon (UK time) on 10 February 2021
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies ScholarshipUK residents from Muslim communities.Course fees and an annual grant towards living costs.12 noon (UK time) on 10 February 2021
Palgrave Brown Scholarship

Students must be ordinarily resident in and/or educated in the following countries:

Albania; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; Estonia; Georgia; Hungary; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyz Rep.; Latvia; Lithuania; Macedonia;  Moldova; Montenegro; Poland; Romania; Russia; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan.

Annual grant towards living costs.12 noon (UK time) on 10 February 2021
Palgrave Brown UK ScholarshipStudents who have been resident or educated in Norfolk or Suffolk.Annual grant towards living costs.12 noon (UK time) on 10 February 2021
Reach Oxford ScholarshipStudents from low-income countries.Course fees, annual grant towards living costs and one return air fare per year.12 noon (UK time) on 10 February 2021
Lloyds Scholars ProgrammeUK residents from households with incomes of £25,000 or less.Additional bursary towards living costs and performance- related awards.Applications are closed
Simon and June Li Undergraduate Scholarship

Applicants must be ordinarily resident in one of the following countries:

Bahrain; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; China; Hong Kong SAR; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Oman; Papua New Guinea; Pakistan; Philippines; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; South Korea; Sri Lanka; Syria; Taiwan; Thailand; Turkey; United Arab Emirates; Vietnam; Yemen

Course fees and a grant towards living costs. 

12 noon (UK time) on 10 February 2021

Oxford-Arlan Hamilton & Earline Butler Sims Scholarship

UK residents of Black African or Black Caribbean heritage, who are from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Course fees and a grant towards living costs. An internship grant of up to £3,000 will also be available during the scholar's course.

12 noon (UK time) on 16 June 2021

Oxford Engineering Schlolarship

Black and Minority Ethnic undergraduates resident in the UK who are holding offers for the Engineering Science course, who are from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Priority will be given to offer holders who identify as Black (or Mixed Black), Asian Pakistani (or Mixed Asian Pakistani) or Asian Bangladeshi (or Mixed Asian Bangladeshi). Applications from female candidates from these under-represented groups are particularly welcome.

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